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30 製品


The Coming Storm by George Bellows T-ShirtThe Coming Storm by George Bellows T-Shirt
ジョージ・ベローズのThe Coming Storm Tシャツ セール価格¥6,900 通常価格¥8,400
Stag at Sharkey's George Bellows Art Blanket - Boxing Match ThrowGeorge Bellows' Powerful Boxing Match - Micro-Fleece Blanket
Society Ball by George Wesley Bellows SweatshirtSociety Ball by George Wesley Bellows Sweatshirt
Society Ball by George Wesley Bellows スウェットシャツ セール価格¥9,800 通常価格¥12,200
Tennis at Newport by George Bellows T-Shirt - Artistic TeeTennis at Newport by George Bellows T-Shirt - Artistic Tee
The Harbor Monhegan Coast Maine by George Bellows T-ShirtThe Harbor Monhegan Coast Maine by George Bellows T-Shirt
Counted Out First Stone by George Bellows T-ShirtCounted Out First Stone by George Bellows T-Shirt
Counted Out First Stone by George Bellows Tシャツ セール価格¥6,900 通常価格¥8,400
Both Members of This Club by George Bellows T-ShirtBoth Members of This Club by George Bellows T-Shirt
Nude with Red Hair by George Bellows T-ShirtNude with Red Hair by George Bellows T-Shirt
ジョージ・ベローズの赤毛のヌード T シャツ セール価格¥6,900 通常価格¥8,400
Emma in a Purple Dress by George Bellows T-ShirtEmma in a Purple Dress by George Bellows T-Shirt
The White Hope by George Bellows T-Shirt - Boxing Art TeeThe White Hope by George Bellows T-Shirt - Boxing Art Tee
Between Rounds Small Second Stone by George Bellows T-ShirtBetween Rounds Small Second Stone by George Bellows T-Shirt
Between Rounds Small Second Stone by George Bellows Tシャツ セール価格¥6,900 通常価格¥8,400
Cliff Dwellers by George Bellows T-ShirtCliff Dwellers by George Bellows T-Shirt
A Knock-Out First State by George Bellows T-ShirtA Knock-Out First State by George Bellows T-Shirt
Five Cows by George Bellows T-ShirtFive Cows by George Bellows T-Shirt
Five Cows by George Bellows Tシャツ セール価格¥6,900 通常価格¥8,400
Swans in Central Park by George Bellows T-ShirtSwans in Central Park by George Bellows T-Shirt
Business-men’s class by George Bellows T-ShirtBusiness-men’s class by George Bellows T-Shirt
ビジネスメンズクラス by George Bellows T シャツ セール価格¥6,900 通常価格¥8,400
Florence Sittenham Davey by George Bellows T-ShirtFlorence Sittenham Davey by George Bellows T-Shirt
Katherine Rosen by George Bellows T-ShirtKatherine Rosen by George Bellows T-Shirt
キャサリン ローゼン by George Bellows T シャツ セール価格¥6,900 通常価格¥8,400
Vine Clad Shore Monhegan Island by George Bellows T-ShirtVine Clad Shore Monhegan Island by George Bellows T-Shirt
Vine Clad Shore Monhegan Island by George Bellows Tシャツ セール価格¥6,900 通常価格¥8,400
Society Ball by George Wesley Bellows T-Shirt - Artistic TeeSociety Ball by George Wesley Bellows T-Shirt - Artistic Tee
Society Ball by George Wesley Bellows Tシャツ セール価格¥6,900 通常価格¥8,400
Dempsey and Firpo George Bellows Art Beach TowelsDempsey and Firpo George Bellows Art Beach Towels
Stag at Sharkey’s George Bellows Art Silk Shirt Suit SetStag at Sharkey’s George Bellows Art Silk Shirt Suit Set
Stag at Sharkey’s George Bellows Art HoodieStag at Sharkey’s George Bellows Art Hoodie
Stag at Sharkey's ジョージ ベローズ アート パーカー セール価格¥12,200 通常価格¥15,300
Dempsey and Firpo George Bellows Boxing Art Bomber JacketDempsey and Firpo George Bellows Boxing Art Bomber Jacket


ジョージ ベローズはアメリカの写実主義の画家で、20 世紀初頭のニューヨーク市の都市生活を力強くダイナミックに描いたことで知られています。彼は、現代の都市生活のざらついた日常の現実を捉えようとする芸術家グループであるアシュカン派のメンバーでした。ジョージ ベローズの絵画は、街の混雑した通り、長屋、ボクシングの試合を描いたものが多く、大胆な筆運び、明暗の強いコントラスト、動きとエネルギーの感覚が特徴です。ベローズは熟練した版画家でもあり、多くのリトグラフやエッチングを制作しました。彼は 1925 年に亡くなりました。